Vibe High

Here to guide my girlies through their entrepreneurial journey with my best mindset, spirituality and business tips. We all deserve to have a pleasure-filled business journey. Personal development and spirituality are the two things that transformed mine. The aim of this podcast is to support you in fulfilling your purpose while feeling good and aligned af. If you vibed with this podcast pls share + leave a rating & review :)

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Friday Dec 02, 2022

This is part two to my journaling 101 episode series. If you haven't listened to the last episode, go ahead and do that. It's not prerequisite, so listening after is fine too! If it's been a hot min since you've journaled or you're feeling resistance toward it, this is for you.
We discuss:
When we know journaling is helpful, but theres a host of things that are "stopping" us from doing the thing.
Journaling does not have to be this big ordeal
How we make journaling more complicated 
Masculine energy getting in the way of you checking in with yourself 
Pouring into everyone and everything and neglecting ourselves 
Taking responsibility and make the choice to actually make it happen
Journaling on why you’re avoiding journaling lol
Avoidance can be due to something simple like “time” but it could be for a deeper reason as well.
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Thursday Dec 01, 2022

I get super passionate when I talk about content creation blocks bc I have been through hell and back finding myself in this space. If you've been struggling to own your significance when it comes to sharing your message on social media/ marketing yourself, give her a listen xoxo
We discuss:
The feeling of not being "significant"enough to put yourself out there
Letting fear drive our actions 
No one’s energy can be replicated 
Your energy can’t be found anywhere else, so you need to own it!
We communicate our wisdom in our own way and theres people out there that need YOU
Low engagement and affirmation to help with discouragement
How to show up & post content with more confidence
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Sunday Nov 27, 2022

I love today's episode bc it's just so real and human. Anyone who decides to go into a spiritual/personal development journey has relationships in their life that may not understand. It will feel weird at times, but hopefully this episode serves as a guide for you to make it a tad bit easier :) You will feel seen after listening for sure.
We discuss:
Being in a relationship while being on a healing journey
People receive your words through there own lens
You will offend people even f you have no intention to
Sharing your spiritual side with significant other and feeling uncertain about their reaction
My perception on getting married and why im not in a rush 
How I was a different person when I met Peter and how he’s responded to my growth
Shifting your energy all day at the expense of ppl having an opinion 
Dating someone that supports you doing the inner work
-Not forcing your partner into personal development and how I struggled with this at first 
Transitioning from religion into spirituality 
Why biz owners need personal development
Personal development makes you one hell of a human 
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Tuesday Nov 22, 2022

In this episode,we discuss why fears are bs and most of the time make absolutely no sense. But we cannot deny the fact that they are running the show most of the time and stopping us from reaching our full potential.
We discuss:
Why its important to question your beliefs so you aren't stuck in this narrow perspectice 
How to not end up like the older people in our lives that are stuck in their beliefs and ways / not receptive to new perspectives 
My fears and limiting beliefs around starting this podcast and the result of doing it anyway
How our ego tries to keep us safe and in the same place out of love and protection
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Friday Nov 18, 2022

This episode is all about my content creation journey and struggles that I've faced navigating social media any how I wanted to show up. Every entrepreneur struggles with content creation and showing their true authentic selves at some point, so if you're dealing with this ,tune in bc its def going to be helpful
 We discuss:
Doing more things to put you in "that bitch" energy
How my mindset toward content changed over time
My insecurities and limiting beliefs that made content creation so hard 
How you should be marketing so you feel amazing when creating and actually attract quality clients
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Tuesday Nov 15, 2022

Today I go into a super powerful concept that involves tapping into your superconscious which is the universal power in you that has infinite potential to create anything you wish. I completed the book "You're not broken"by Christopher Duncan and wow amazing. I pull straight from this book, and hopefully this inspires you to read it. It's a very powerful manifesting book that teaches you how its DONE.
We also talk about my:
My last photoshoot and how I did in comparison to my previous ones. I also give you some tips, if you're looking into doing more content creation shoots
And how taking action is so overlooked when we're creating ideal outcomes for ourselves and how this is so contradictory bc we cant create in our heads and expect magic to happen without taking action.
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Friday Nov 11, 2022

Today's episode is pretty vulnerable as I let you into my most recent emotional melt down. This will resonate with a lot of you. 
We discuss:
Listening to intuition when it times to slow down
Holding duality of emotions 
 Realizing that I won’t be young forever 
Scrolling Instagram as a distraction& concealing discomfort
Overstimulation by all the content we are consuming involving what we should and should not be doing.
Understanding that people post content without including full context and conditionality & its not on purpose.
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Tuesday Nov 08, 2022

In this episode I share how detrimental it is to feel unsatisfied with where you are right now in your business journey and how this has played out in my biz. Striving for more is actually necessary for growth but it needs to be with absence of victimhood and dissatisfaction with your current reality.
We discuss:
Seeing hard times as lessons
Comparing the beginning of your journey to seasoned entrepreneurs journey 
Stopping to smell the roses and celebrate what you’re creating WHILE you're creating it
Learning to love and praise the small wins
Ways in which I’ve blocked myself from receiving more 
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Friday Nov 04, 2022

Today I'm sharing one of the biggest contributing factors to my up levels. If you do this often and hold yourself accountable to it, your success is inevitable. 
Some topics include:
Becoming the women you want to be
Next level self vibes 
Being honest af with yourself: ask what’s going on? What patterns do I wish to change? What habits would I love to implement
Checking in with yourself 
What kind of women would you like to become in the next 3 months?
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Tuesday Nov 01, 2022

Ah, this is gem of an episode to give you that boost of confidence to reconnect with the power of the universe and your spiritual side. This episode will be comforting especially if you feel like you're losing touch with that side of yourself. We cover multiple topics that will assist you in strengthening your trust and certainty in the universe so your manifestations can snap in.
Some topics in this episode include:
Key to manifesting
When things feel off and fears settles in-
When things aren’t working out 
Realigning with meditation
Connecting to the presence and power of the universe
Calling yourself out right away
FAMILY generational trauma
Spiritual nutrition vs true embodiment 
Trusting in the universe
Manifesting small things to build trust +certainty for bigger manifestations
We’re addicted to our old ways of thinking 
Entering my shadow work era 
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