Vibe High
Here to guide my girlies through their entrepreneurial journey with my best mindset, spirituality and business tips. We all deserve to have a pleasure-filled business journey. Personal development and spirituality are the two things that transformed mine. The aim of this podcast is to support you in fulfilling your purpose while feeling good and aligned af. If you vibed with this podcast pls share + leave a rating & review :)

Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
Wednesday Jan 11, 2023
I love a good vulnerable, real and raw episode. This one is nothing less than that as I share with you how I deal with my lowest self esteem days. Listen to this one when you feel like you're getting down on yourself for your external looks or in comparison mode.
We discuss:
Remembering who you are at a SOUL LEVEL but being ok with valuing external beauty as well
My past habits of talking down on myself and history of having a messy life
Days when you don’t feel like that bitch
Saying really mean things about yourself
Having an “off” day and comparing yourself to people having an “on”day
Practical journal practice to hype yourself up on these days
Working through energy draining situations to make room for greater things
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Friday Jan 06, 2023
Friday Jan 06, 2023
Shadow work is life changing af, I seriously swear by it. Your growth and manifesations depend on this. In this eppy I give you a brief introduction on shadow work and what the shadow aspect of self actually means.
We discuss:
How we develop shadows and what they are
Some habits I'm releasing this year
Overstimulation and anxiety
Muting people and consuming less
Using journaling to release
My experience with bullying growing up and how it affects me in my adult hood
Dimming your life
Supressing emotions + rage ceremonies
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Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Wednesday Jan 04, 2023
Today's topic is simple but potent af. I'm 1000 percent positive that this will make a difference in your ability to manifest & receive more wealth and abundance. Rejecting gifts, money, support, downloads, a helping hand etc just isn't the mf vibe anymore and we need to stop bc all this is doing is creating blocks.
We discuss:
How to receive more in everyday life in order to manifest your big dreams
Embodying the energy of receiving
Our natural tendency to reject help, gifts, money, ideas, downloads, guidance from others
Feeling guilty for accepting material things from other people any how this blocks you from receiving
My botox changed my smile against my wishes and its so weird lol
If 2022 sucked for you don’t take that energy into the new year
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Friday Dec 30, 2022
Friday Dec 30, 2022
I love this episode so much. It's a pep talk/ kick in the booty/ oracle card reading vibe. We dive into a card reading that I know we all needed to hear. We discuss different ways your excuses may be stopping you from creating the 2.0 version of yourself. I give you specific examples of how I used excuses to keep me safe this year, bc ofc we keep it real af here.
We discuss:
Being radically honest with yourself w/ compassion ofc
Ego wants to keep us safe + comfy
Releasing what needs to go for the new year to make room for whats meant to be
Choosing to do the work
Launch Fear and inner work around that
How are our fears manifesting into our reality
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Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
Abundance... this such an amazing mindset concept that everyone needs to learn, practice and integrate. I noticed IMMEDIATE results and faster manifestations when I learned and implemented this concept into my life. I can honestly talk about this for hours but here's a little sneak peak into my personal perception of what abundance looks like and how you can use this to manifest your dream life.
We discuss:
What abundance truly is to me
What it meant for me back then vs now
How my getaway house cabin trip reminded me of the feeling of abundance
Knowing how to feel happiness in your core vs feeling happy and sabtoging the happiness with fear or suspicion
Endless possibilities are your right
Abundance is something we create WITHIN right now even if we feel that our circumstances say the opposite.
There’s plenty to go around, nature is abundant and we can apply this to our mindset + manifestation process
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Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
We are talking money mindset and all the ways they show up in business for us *Screams* AH today's episode features my beautiful soul of a friend Lexi Taveras. She's a spiritual, vibey online fitness and business coach who has grown so much over the past few years and is here to share her mf MONEY story with us. We get pretty vulnerable and real intros episode so get excited!
We discuss:
-How your money story affects your current financial habits
-Your business is a reflection of you
-Fear of investing and our personal experience with our first business investment
-Unsupportive people in your life judging your financial, situations
-Be cautious when it comes to telling unsupportive people about your goals
-How money beliefs affected the way we went about sales in our business
-projecting our own money stories on to other people
-How our money stories affected our sales
-Dealing with potential clients that let fear take over when deciding on investing in themselves
-If someone cannot afford something doesnt mean you and or your service isn’t worthy
-Attracting wealth and abundance
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Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
This episode is content pulled from a group coaching call we did with our online fitness clients. My assistant coach Indi and I share our perception on creating you next level self + why vision boards have been helpful in the past
Vision boards are key to creating your dream life. The images and pictures that are visible to the eye daily are more likely to come into fruition. We need to be constantly reminded of the vision we are creating. Our desires and dreams need to be top of mind.
We discuss:
Stepping into your next level
Next level energy + having your own back as you evolve
We have the qualities/ actions we admire in other people in us, we just have blocks that are stopping us from shining
Goal setting+ using energy wisely
22:00 Visualization Meditation
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Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Today's episode touches on a fraction of the lessons i've learned and integrated in 2022. There's so much more, I might make a part 2 haha. There's a difference between knowing something and actually embodying and integrating them into your life. I include real life example as always, so enjoy as you learn from my personal experiences.
We Discuss:
Creating from a place of lack
What’s the point in creating your desired reality if we’re not able to enjoy it when it arrives?
Everyone feels fear no matter how successful and confident they appear to be
Why following leaders who are open about their fears and vulnerable will serve you
How baby steps will change the game for you
A big worry I had with pivoting into biz coaching
Creating Good content starts with your mindset
Most leaders and business owners don’t share their current struggles with you but you need to be mindful of the fact that their biz isn’t perfect at all
Working on social skills to become a better biz owner
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Friday Dec 09, 2022
Friday Dec 09, 2022
This episode will give you an understanding of where burnout comes from, how it's caused and the different ways it shows up in your life. Burn out can stunt creativity and motivation to follow our desires. This episode will open your mind to the different causes and symptoms of burnout, which is the first step in healing yourself.
We discuss:
Lack of passion
Lack of quiet space
Burnout from work, toxic relationships environments, boredom
Go, go, go vibes
Allowing yourself to receive more (feminine energy)
How burnout is showing up of rme in my biz rn and how it's shown up in past jobs.
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Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
I came into this episode without a plan but the ideas and wisdom flowed right through me. A perfect example of how messy action is not something to be afraid of, it's actually needed to move us forward.
We discuss:
Appreciating every single moment of the business building journey
Trusting that the universe will speak through you
Releasing control and expectations and just taking action
Stop waiting for perfect conditions and just START.
Over-planning, fear, need for perfection will hold you back and delay your manifestations
You might suck when you first start and this step is needed for success, we must suck before we get better.
Dressing to match your next level self
Abundance & what makes me feel the most abundant
Feeling like your life isn’t good enough RIGHT NOW and putting on happiness on hold until we get the “thing”
we are manifesting
Getting caught up on numbers
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