Vibe High
Here to guide my girlies through their entrepreneurial journey with my best mindset, spirituality and business tips. We all deserve to have a pleasure-filled business journey. Personal development and spirituality are the two things that transformed mine. The aim of this podcast is to support you in fulfilling your purpose while feeling good and aligned af. If you vibed with this podcast pls share + leave a rating & review :)

Saturday Feb 18, 2023
Saturday Feb 18, 2023
Today I give you a little insight into the schedule changes I've been implementing to optimize my motivation levels and get the "harder tasks" done. I go into how my super extra morning routine drained me and how I approach things today instead.
Experimenting with different schedule organization, and changing things around frequently to see what works BEST for you is KEY! I always felt so pressured to do routines other people were following but it really is a super personal vibe. And it takes a lot of trial and error and willingness to let the things that aren't working GO even if they have become a habit.
Please be a doll and leave a rating, review and share on your story if you vibed with this episode xoxo
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Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Talking on your story feels so fcking scary when you're not used to it but my tips are def going to help you feel more comfortable showing up. Story talks are extremely important to connecting your audience and building a business that generates sales. Its ok if it doesn't feel natural right now.. just trust that it will get better every time.
Listen if you want my best tips for showing up on your story with confidence as well as why i think its so important to implement story talks when it comes to growing your business and personal brand.
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I'm taking on more private business clients! Apply with the link below xoxo
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Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
When you have an offer to sell people need to hear it over and over and over again before they decide ok "I'm going to do it".If it's normal. to feel like people are annoyed but I know this episode will help.
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Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Today i'm speaking about a mindset shift/paradigm that i've adopted to keep me taking action even through the fear of failure. I go through different worst case scenario and how you're already living in those worst case scenarios regardless of your awareness around it.
It's of course a goodie ;)
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Friday Feb 03, 2023
Friday Feb 03, 2023
Personal Branding is everything. People buy from unique individuals who show up authentically. Without a personal brand, you'll blend in with all the other people industry. Creating a personal is so important to have right now, regardless of whether or not you have an offer. We go deep into how I was able to start signing clients right away when I released my offer due to having a strong personal brand.
People care about your teachings of course, but they want to learn from a unique human who expresses themselves and shows their lives outside of their profession.
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Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
Wednesday Feb 01, 2023
We all live by rules that don't do much for us besides hold us back. I had a download the other day around this topic and I know this is going to hit for you. My mic decided to break so the quality isn't top tier but its def worth the listen if you feel "held back" or restricted in any way in business or life. This episode creates awareness around learning to question these rules and pin point all the ways in which they are holding us back .
We discuss:
A bunch of different real life examples from my life around where these rules have showed up and held me back.
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Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
This episode is a casual yet insightful one. My intention was to give you s life update but some wisdom and gems came through. The power of intentions and your perception around hot girl habits are everything! I expand on this idea and give you an inside look into how my life is looking right now xoxo
We discuss:
Setting intentions for everything you do
Grounding through intention
Life update, traveling to Dominican republic, engagement party
Making your life a vibe
Getting yourself excited and grateful toward your hot girl healthy habits even when you’ve been doing it for a while
Shifting your perception
Money dates
Nourishing your relationship with money
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Friday Jan 20, 2023
Friday Jan 20, 2023
Ok it's time to get comfortable af with using your imagination. Seriously, it is how all big things are created. It's the first step to creating whatever tf u desire inline but sometimes we feel weird or awkward when we do this. This episode serves as a little reminder to how important the imagination really is when it comes to manifesting. We also talk about hyper self awareness and what this actually looks like. Bc without hyper self awareness we allow ourselves to go down some scary downward spirals..... which only results in us creating unintentional outcomes we do not want.
We discuss:
Connecting to that inner child that LOVED LOVED LOVED to imagine
When you’re self aware you’re able to shift faster and on the spot
When you shift your mood , you raise your frequency and when you raise your frequency you become a match for the life you want to live
Learning to dance with this reality bc we are human (nobody graduates from being human)
Feeling safe and protected when we think negatively
We are rewarded for every shift we make
Breathwork as a tool to keep u grounded and connected to your body
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Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
This is a great pep talk to get you though the hard moments when you feel like nothing is working for you. I use this opportunity to explain why this way of thinking can slow you down & cloud your vision as you're making your way to the top.
We discuss:
The struggle we face when doing big things in our life is something we’ve earned
There’s beauty in every struggle
Using our past struggles to serve as motivation
Reflecting back on past achievements , rarely thinking about the actual win but instead being so damn proud of the journey and struggle it took to get there
Being okay with starting your day when you want to start.your day as an entrepreneur.. not feeling tied down and salve to your phone + clients
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Friday Jan 13, 2023
Friday Jan 13, 2023
I'm pretty new to the microdosing life but I want to share my experience as I get accustomed to what it's like to use shrooms as a tool for healing. In this episode, I talk about how m micro dose accidentally turned into a macro dose and what it taught me. I also talk about healing your life before turning to shrooms to fix your problems. I do believe that it should used in conjunction of other healing modalities such as journaling, breath work meditation, Subconscious mind and ego work. I truly don't believe that every trip is supposed to feel GOOD. I believe that shrooms gives us the ability to FEEL what has been suppressed allowing us to release and create space.
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