Vibe High

Here to guide my girlies through their entrepreneurial journey with my best mindset, spirituality and business tips. We all deserve to have a pleasure-filled business journey. Personal development and spirituality are the two things that transformed mine. The aim of this podcast is to support you in fulfilling your purpose while feeling good and aligned af. If you vibed with this podcast pls share + leave a rating & review :)

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Tuesday Sep 26, 2023

In today's episode I give you a dose or realness + insight into my my experience with entrepreneurship and how things have shifted for the better.
Topics discussed :
The truth about fast growth 
Gratitude becoming a habit 
Manic manifesting + controlling the outcome
Looking at business through the lens of energetics + frequency 
My entrepreneurship journey + how it has evolved. 
How im recovering from building something in a way that wasn’t in alignment with my values 
Compassion for past versions of ourselves 
My experience with attaching my self worth to my business + success
Higher self
Slow growth
If you’re not where you want o be career wise +financially
Apply for Private Business Mentorship 
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Aligned biz babe journal prompts <3

Friday Sep 08, 2023

Im going to my first spiritual retreat
Wedding in Tulum is in 6 months +updates with that 
Relationship update + desire to have a mini Jaeda soonish lol
Manifesting the love of your life 
Intentions for becoming a mom
Intention setting and how that works when it comes to manifesting your desires 
Power of decision 
Experience with depression
Identifying with “being depressed” and “being an anxious person)
Why waking up early af is life changing for me 
Apply for Private Business Mentorship 
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Aligned biz babe journal prompts <3

Tuesday Sep 05, 2023

Today I have my beautiful soul of a friend Camryn Shulsinger joining me to speak about Feminine embodiment + connecting to our sensuality as sexual beings. I love this eye opening episode so much!
Here's an overview of some topics we chatted about:
The stories + programming that ran the show as Cam navigated life as a child all the way into her early college years 
LSC + Shroomie trip leading into a spiritual awakening #relatable 
Pandemic realizations
Macrodosing over a year 
Creating an avatar that symbolizes who you are becoming right now 
RAW EXPRESSION- Showing up in the purest form, without any protective mechanism that can come off as as shields or masks 
When our subconscious starts to form and we begin taking on energy from our parents 
Fear of joy and pleasure
Fear of judgment + unknown
What forces us to put up the facade
Going from in your head to embodiment 
SEXUXAL, Sensual liberation 
Female power being deemed as “unstable” “not fit to lead"
Female power being diminished 
 A woman whois connected to her yoni. Sensuality + sexuality is liberated and confident AF
The book “PUSSY” By Regina Thomashauer 
Thresholds for pleasure in life + sexual
Not focusing on the “orgasm” but focusing on sensual pleasure through out the process to getting there 
Getting off on every “stroke”
Transition periods in business 
Dropping label as a “business owner”
No job is too small in the eyes of God 
Follow Cam on Insta
Apply for Private Business Mentorship 
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Aligned biz babe journal prompts <3

Wednesday Aug 16, 2023

Today's topics:
Is my life actually falling apart of was it all part of the plan?
Ego deaths
Dissolving patterns within yourself that cannot come into your next level
Recognizing whee things are crumbling 
Why things feel like hard in your growth j+ manifestation journey 
Our beliefs create our reality. We can’t change our reality until we shine light on the beliefs that are creating them in the first place How you hold the energy of what you’re manifesting before it comes through
Power of connection +vulnerability  
Universal lessons
Ego resists change
Intuition leading you to action steps “that don’t make sense”
Higher self vs Ego
How I always have content ideas 
Download your Free Higher Self Meditation
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Aligned biz babe journal prompts <3

Monday Jul 24, 2023

Topics we covered:
Power of connection +vulnerability  
Universal lessons
Ego resists change
Intuition leading you to action steps “that don’t make sense”
Higher self vs Ego
How I always have content ideas 
Download your Free Higher Self Meditation
Apply for Private Business Mentorship 
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Aligned biz babe journal prompts <3

Thursday Jul 13, 2023

I love this episode so much, I truly think its the reminder you need to keep going.
Today's Topics <3
External validation
The power of connection and vulnerability 
Feelings of dread
The bigger vision and why behind why you’re doing what you’re doing
When the excitement dies
Motivation vs discipline 
Committing to showing up and using the bigger vision to keep you grounded when you don’t feel like it 
Forgetting the bigger picture + focusing on in the moment feelings
Download your Free Higher Self Meditation
Apply for Private Business Mentorship 
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Aligned biz babe journal prompts <3

Saturday Jul 08, 2023

Topics we discuss today <3
The desire to make fear “disappear”
Feeling the fear and doing it anyway
Courage doesn’t mean that you’re fearless
Taking action through the fear 
Accepting and being at peace with messy action + imperfection
Fear of perceived
Playing in the comfy realm
Being okay with possibility of failing 
What does your next level look like?
Download your Free Higher Self Meditation
Apply for Private Business Mentorship 
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Aligned biz babe journal prompts <3

Friday Jun 30, 2023

In this podcast episode, we all have the pleasure to learn from Naomi  aka Namaste Nay Follow Naomi on Instagram--- who is an incredible manifestation coach and tarot teacher. Naomi lets us into her world as she shares vulnerable life experiences including the deets behind her 2021 break up with her ex fiancé. There’s so many beautiful lessons that she’s picked up along the hardships of quitting her 9-5 to go full time with entrepreneurship with no proof or physical evidence that she would be okay all the way to her ex fiancé leaving her out of the blue.
The theme of this podcast all comes down to trust, certainty and faith when it comes to navigating the hard times. And I am confident that you guys will learn so much from her story.
We chat about:
The truth about  “rock bottom” moments
Connecting to your soul, spirituality & higher self
Deciding to become self led-- after following  societal norms + creating the reality the ’system’ sets up for us initially 
Quitting her 6 figure 9-5 to pursue her dream of building her business
Naomi’s life changing experience with  + mushrooms
Ayahuasca at a private ceremony with a shaman 
Receiving guidance from our higher self
Walking the talk -- to be a leader who not only conceptually understands what she teaches but EMBODIES IT
TRUST & FAITH and how it relates to manifestation 
Following the “bread crumbs” that the universe drops for us 
Follow Naomi on Instagram
Download your Free Higher Self Meditation
Apply for Private Business Mentorship 
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Low motivation + Confidence

Saturday Jun 17, 2023

Saturday Jun 17, 2023

Manifest HER 6 Week Live Course Enrollment
In this episode i'm sharing with you the truth about being motivated all the time and why this is actually impossible. We talk a little bit about discipline and showing up for ourselves to create confidence. We tap into fear and how to show up in moments of crickets in your business.
Download your Free Higher Self Meditation
Apply for Private Business Mentorship 
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Beginner manifestation mistake

Saturday Jun 17, 2023

Saturday Jun 17, 2023

Manifest HER 6 Week Live Course Enrollment
I realized that time is finite . Like it’s actually fcking ticking. And our experience as a human will end at some point . Its one thing to take in positive quotes. Its one thing to read books + listen to podcasts. Its one thing to get high off positivity after hearing that your dream life is actually possible for you. ITS ANOTHER THING TO ACTUALLY DO IT.
I was stuck in the boat of consuming the healing content but actually not applying it for so long. In this episode i'm teaching the importance of taking action

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