Vibe High

Here to guide my girlies through their entrepreneurial journey with my best mindset, spirituality and business tips. We all deserve to have a pleasure-filled business journey. Personal development and spirituality are the two things that transformed mine. The aim of this podcast is to support you in fulfilling your purpose while feeling good and aligned af. If you vibed with this podcast pls share + leave a rating & review :)

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Tuesday Sep 20, 2022

We’ve all been there. The investment scaries creep up when deciding on an investment or even worse.. after the investment was already made. 
Thoughts of “Was this the right decision, is this worth it, is my biz biz enough for an investment like this etc) thoughts start flooding your mind.
I’m here to give you a new perspective that’s going to make every investment worth it You’re going to get all the value and all your money’s worth from every investment with this mindset.
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Friday Sep 16, 2022

Today we are taking it back to the basics of manifestation and how visualization + carving out space to use your imagination is KEY to creating the life of your dreams.
We talk about:
-Your reality starts with the thoughts you're thinking, and the images of the mind
- How to use the power of your imagination + emotion to attract all the beautiful things you desire in life
-Why visualizing far out into the future is actually so important 
- Going down the rabbit hole of personal development and not giving yourself enough time to integrate + practice.
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Wednesday Sep 14, 2022

Today we chat about a common struggle that comes up in the beginning stages of posting content + showing up on social media. Its also an issue for people who have been posting for some time and never really explored this block before. 
We discuss:
-Caring about what people think about our posts + why we need to focus on our ideal clients vs the ppl who don’t gaf about what we have to offer
-Why your unique voice matters
-Importance of authenticity + a personal brand
-Some of the feelings that come up when posting content + how you can learn to notice them but not let them stop you 
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Friday Sep 09, 2022

We go into how easy it is to feel like giving up when it feels like no one is listening. & Why you should never give up bc this is your soul's calling & we must see it all the way through even through the highs and lows. KEEP GOING SIS.
Here are some other topics that you'll come across on this eppy:
Keep going even when it feels like nobody cares
Every successful person gets rejected 
Why you should keep going when it feels hard 
Certainty, gratitude, Trust, Practice "this is already mine" energy 
Law of attraction 
Why im choosing to prioritize my fitness goals + Reconnecting to my body 
Getting caught up on the numbers + engagement over connection..
Staying connected to fitness journey makes you a vibrational match for all your desires 
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Wednesday Sep 07, 2022

Reminder to delete the words try & maybe out of your vocabulary. The way we speak matters & has a direct effect on whether or not we get sh*t done. I also get into how processing hard feelings and getting through to the other side is necessary for growth +release.
Aligned Business Babe Journaling Packet Download for free

Friday Sep 02, 2022

It's something we ALL do. Negative self talk blocks us from our true + loving connection to ourselves. We dig deep into my experience with a super negative inner dialogue + how I've made changes around this.
In this episode I give you a little update on how august was super transformative and emotional for me as I'm creating a 2nd business. we discuss taking faster action and how we are long available to sit on your dreams.
We talk about how concerts + music can raise tf out of your vibration, making you an even greater match for your manifestations.

Tuesday Aug 30, 2022

We get deep and vulnerable here as we dive into all the bs limiting beliefs I would tell myself as I started playing with desire to start my own biz. I throw in some life updates as well which is always fun :)
Share, leave a review & rating if you vibed with this episode xoxo 
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Friday Aug 26, 2022

Today we are talking about the different ways you may not be trusting yourself, how to increase self awareness around self trust & how lack of self trust leads to insecurity & manifestation blocks.
You may not even be aware of you self trust levels but this episode will set a light bulb off for sure.
If you vibed with this episode pls leave a rating and review xoxo
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Tuesday Aug 23, 2022

In this episode I share my take on the toxicity of comparing our lives, bodies, and businesses to other people's & how we can turn this around to actually attract our dream lives.
Comparison is inevitable but I want to share a helpful perspective  to prevent stagnation + shift you out of a negative state of "wanting" what you "can't" have bc the world is truly yours.
Share+ leave a rating and review if you vibed with this episode xoxo
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Journaling 101

Friday Aug 19, 2022

Friday Aug 19, 2022

Journaling straight up saves lives lol In this episode I share my experience with journaling and how its helped me so much throughout my life & business journey.
I break down
How to journal
Different ways to journal
Common fears and limiting beliefs surrounding journaling
Light work vs Shadow work
+ I give some bonus journal prompts at the end :)
If you vibed with this episode pls give it 5 stars and a review xoxo
ALSO, Sharing is caring, share with a friend pls 
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